Comments by redhexagonal

You can use one or more LFOs to control velocity. When velocity adds to zero or below a note will be gated irrespective of the yellow gates on the bottom row. Adding 2 square waves assigned to velocity will make interesting rhythms with accented notes.

Not sure how max/min would work but I could add offset to the LFOs if I have time.
Not sure why that would happen. Email me at and I’ll see if I can help
I made a polyphonic sequencer along similar lines here
You just play them in as legato notes
fiddly, but sounds mental!
Yes, the sequence is saved with the device preset so it will load with your live set
Thanks, glad you’re enjoying it!
This should work if you set the port correctly. You don't need a virtual port in Live for sysex any more though. I may update it if I have time
Sorry its only for Live 10. If you contact me via gumroad I can refund you. Or get Live 10!
Theres always more that could be added! But often its better to make a different device . You can, however, turn steps off with the LFO if the velocity of a step is calculated as zero - try using a square wave at maximum amplitude assigned to velocity.
There is a video (with sound) on the Gumroad page. It's a bit hard to see their arrows for the next image/video.
The delay length is variable so you can reverse a whole bar or reverse each quarter bar or 16th etc, which all give a different feel. Try it , if it doesn't do what you want I'll refund you.
Thanks, changed.
Pretty sure its possible to save presets, but cant test it as I'm away. Try the microtuner too if its your thing . It sounds great!
No data is saved in the device itself. But you can easily save presets of the device. It should also be saved with a live set. You might have to press "patch send" once you've loaded your song and your ports are set right, to send a sysex dump to your OBM1000
What is is your OS, software versions, and what error messages does Max give you?
If you refresh after posting you will double post.

I don't know why re adding the imp. objects helped - they are already frozen into the device, you shouldn't need to download them. It might be because youre using max 64bit, I havent tested them with it.

In my experience, these objects are a bit unreliable, for some reason they don't always connect. Usually just re adding the device to Live or restarting Live, or restarting your MIDI interface or restarting everything will get them working.

if you still cant get the ports to connect to your setup, you could try the other device which uses lh_midi (mac/live 32bit only) or a udp bridge which is pretty reliable cross platform.
There is already a guide at the top of this page.

If it doesn't work, I can't help unless you tell me your setup and what error max is giving you.

1. No it uses its own ports
2. Not sure. what error message does Max give you? (right click the device)
There are instructions how to use the device at the top of this page. On OSX there is nothing to set up other than setting the ports youre connecting to.
What is the issue you are having?
So i can control it with my Nord Lead....the whole midi externals thing is a bit hacky...its more reliable to use udp, but that involves a bridge patch.
I don't have a windows machine to test. You could try try asking here

or just use the bridge version
This device uses imp.midi, not lh_midi - thats the bridge version. Everything you need is frozen with the device. I don't know why they can't load the externals. Maybe try unfreezing then freezing and resaving?

You should be able to get one of these versions working with OS X - its Windows that is trickier since it needs an exclusive port.
If you are using Max 7 andnita still not working, you could try uaing Live 32 bit instead.
I would suggest updating to Max 7. i cant support older versions, sorry.
Have you selected udp as sysex method? If you can't communicate with port 7002, something must be using it. You could try changing the port number by editing both patches if you're confident.
Or you could try and work out what is using your ports, I have no idea what is using them.
Can you comment on the other device page please?
Something must be using that port. Why don't you try the bridge version.
That message indicates that you are already using the port with something else, and you need to stop using it. Maybe another Max device?
First try restarting everything. If there is still a red "connection failure" message then tell me the Max messages that appear when you load the device. ( right click on the device to open the Max window.)
Sorry I don't have a PC to test this on. There isn't a nice method of using sysex with Windows.
imp.midi does crash sometimes on OS X anyway, its a bit unstable. Maybe you can try the other Matrix device I posted that uses a bridge.

So, you need to go to Live preferences and deselect the ports to which your Matrix is connected, then select those ports on the device. You dont need to install anything.

When does Live crash? Is it reproducible?
What is your Operating system?
no manual - all patch parameters are on the panel.

if you have problems connecting ports you might try this version

this is for program changing
First scroll through the MIDI menu and turn Exclusive Messages ON. Then set to receive MIDI on channel ONE
Yes, it does. I'm updating it so it should work more reliably soon.
I think the Matrix 6 sysex is the same so it should work.
I doubt it, but let me know if it does. You could probably change it to work with the 6R without alot of work..
I doubt it, but let me know if it does. You could probably change it to work with the 6R without alot of work..
I think thats a matter of opinion. Have a look on Gearslutz. But this device will basically work with any version.
It will work on your setup if you buy a working Matrix 1000 ;-)
You don't, but I need to test this with a Juno, I don't have one, it works with an MKS-50, but I will borrow a Juno soon, fix and update this.
No, only the M1000.
Thanks for the tip about midi echo Joem, ill be in touch
If you used Live 32 bit you can try using lh_midi mode rather than the bridge. Otherwise if you still aren't getting mid sent from the bridge to device still, you'll have to try changing port number as I said, it's pretty easy, just change the number 7022 to something like 7100, on the udpsend on the bridge and on the udpreceive on the device. Open the patches and change the port numbers.
First I would check for error messages in the Max window of Max MSP and also right click the device and select max window there, and check for error messages.
If the udp bridge is indicating that it received midi from your oberheim, it could be that the port is being used by something else. For simplicity i have set the udp ports to fixed values but you could open and edit the devices - change the udpreceive port on the device, and udpsend port on the bridge, to an unused value, 7050 or something
The device will receive program data when you change program via the Oberheim's front panel, or by a program change message. Make sure your receive port is correct, and dont daisy chain.
And just to check - do you have both midi in and out connected between your oberheim and your midi ports?
Mattsingmin, do you have your oberheim connected directly to a dedicated midi port? If so there might be a problem with the udp port...what messages come up in the max window when you load the device? (Right click on the device and open max window from menu). You might want to clear the max window before deleting and re-adding the device.
What platform? Lh_midi is only on 32bit live and os x. Otherwise you'll need to use the udp bridge.
Ok, it sounds like your MIDI interface setup needs experimenting with, but glad you got my device working - enjoy!
Is your Oberheim on a dedicated MIDI port? what is your MIDI setup - do you have a hub, or are you chaining devices or something else?
Which method are you using, udp or lh_midi? Are you using the latest versions of Ableton, and Max? Make sure your OBM is connected and you have the correct ports set on the device, or on the udp bridge if you're using that.
Which method are you using, udp or lh_midi? Are you using the latest versions of Ableton, and Max? Make sure your OBM is connected and you have the correct ports set on the device, or on the udp bridge if you're using that.
Just download the bridge, open it and set your ports. thats it.
So you'll have to either use the 32 bit version of Live, or use the UDP bridge
Make sure Live and Max are the latest versions. The lh_midi method may not work if you're using the 64bit version of Live. Is there an message in the Max window? (right click on device bar). If all else fails use the UDP bridge method as described above.
Also make sure you have system method set to lh_midi
I'm assuming you're on OS X - if so your midi ports should be in the lists for lh_midiin and out. Try deleting and re adding it.
instantly creates a huge undo history!
Yes, it means I can't play a mono synth on 16n because the notes are all tied.
There's a problem with note lengths. the shortest note is longer than one tick, so when the clock is set to 16n all notes are legato.
There's a problem with note lengths. the shortest note is longer than one tick, so when the clock is set to 16n all notes are legato.