Comments by jonahmo

I don't understand how to use this. I don't know what is meant by "clip slot select direct". Please help!
Continuing the post above, if I click my controller button as fast as I can, if it’s triggering an audio track sample the sample will play constantly at a regular interval, but if I do this through the patch and simpler then it doesn’t trigger the sample at all. It triggers only if I lower the speed of my button-pressing. How can I make it act the same as an audio track sample?
Am I using this wrong? I'm using this with Simpler. But compared to triggering samples on an audio track I'm missing a lot of beats, especially when I hit the button quickly. I tried putting the patch on the same track as Simpler, and then I tried putting the controller and patch on their own track which is routed to the Simpler track but that made no difference. Also adjusting the interval on the patch doesn't solve the issue. Granted, I'm using a video game controller as my MIDI controller but it works fine when triggering samples in an audio track so it seems like I should be able to make this work.