Comments by john

Thank you very much for the explaining, instructions and update tip. Much appreciated. And I stumbled over lot's of small, basic and fun application that came with the package. John.
Can anyone please further develop the instructions concerning the required CNMAT objects. What to put where and why.
very suitable for my chatting robot voices. both male, female and those in between, old or young, cool or angry. if the playable pitch buffer thing happens or not, lovely patch. unusal quality sound from a mashing filter like this and the sample zone with zoom and everything! many thxhnkz.
Thanks for the instruction. Used Logic for my Quadraphonic panning needs but this is more direct. Works perfect with a Wacom board/OSCulator/Live/QuadPanner 1.1. Brilliant and thanxkz again for both patch and tip.
Wonderful and works well and thanxzks. It would be very helpful for me if anyone could give an example of a OSC setup including this patch and the chain of software and hardware necessary. (I use OSC based stuff like Monome, Arduinome, Livid Block, Osculator, DS Lite and so on).
very good and an "why didn't we think of that in the first place" utility.
very useful on a piece of equipement that is all about feedback! thanxchz!
kind of sounds like my machinedrum but without the experience of circuit boards. i like this too. thankxz for the tip
kind of sounds like my machinedrum but without the experience of circuit boards. i like this too. thankxz for the tip
kind of sounds like my machinedrum but without the experience of circuit boards. i like this too. thankxz for the tip
Yes! Everything works perfectly on my machines with version 0.3. This ported MIR is better and more convenient than the original in my opinion.
m-mm--mm-a-aa-nn-n-n-ny t-hhh--a-a-a-aa-a--n-k---xx--z-z---zzz-!-!-!!!
Lovely and Wov! Quick and responsive - but - same here. Unfortunately I can't get the pattern recorders to work. Great work though and really appreciated. I hope you can find the time and motivation to fix the pattern recorders. Thanxz from John.
MacBook Pro, OS X 10.6.3, Live 8.1.3, MaxMSP Runtime 5.1.4.
Brilliant idea! Hope you get some community help with the balance thing.
Did Quadraphonic sound for an sculpture and was "forced" to use Logic. It's not all obvious how to balance Quadraphonic sound and it took some thinking! Hope you get it sorted the way you want but it's already fun to play. Great thanxkz from John in Stockholm.
Brilliant idea! Hope you get some community help with the balance thing.
Did Quadraphonic sound for an sculpture and was "forced" to use Logic. It's not all obvious how to balance Quadraphonic sound and it took some thinking! Hope you get it sorted the way you want but it's already fun to play. Great thanxkz from John in Stockholm.
Can get this to work! Messed up my fonts on macBook Pro. Works perfect and is superb. Sorry for hasty judgement and Thankxz!
Can't get this to work at all. Where to put when, why a'n what?
The description sounds great for my kind of noize.
(Latest Mac, PC and software all the way and succesful with almost everyone of the now 220 M4L patches)
34 version update works absolutely flawless on my different systems. thanxz again for this update of my favourite M4L patch.
still my favourite and love the added features. for some reason I have to add the prefix manually and alter the local to 8001 in my monome emulators for arduinome and block wich wasn't the case with version 30.
this is not a big deal and it's still by far the patch of the bunch of 214 I use the most. this one could possibly boost the monome community out of it's, for now, circular motion. lov'it and many thanxz again!
easy to use, fast, looks good and make the ambient synplant, against it's will, melodic! very good and many thankxz!
beautiful wide range autenthic circuit bent sound/noise. like my sherman filterbank it selfoscillate the hell out of everthing and a limiter at the end takes away the lovely melodic range. maybe some sort of limiter very early in the signal path inside your path? still, very useful for my kind of ears. many thanxz from john.
Still unable to load soundfiles in the update of your excellent patch. I tried on my older Mac but it behaved in the same way. Maybe something to do with language specific OS (Swedish OS X?), I don't know. Don't bother to much for now but thank you for the response. I have tons of fun with 1.0!
MacBook Pro + MacBook, 10.6.2 + 10.4.9. Live 8.1.1.
Can't load samples in this update. The first release Lemubara Sampler 1.0
works perfect (and I love it!). Anyone?
MacBook Pro, 10.6.2. Live 8.1.1.
as hard to understand and use as a fork, brilliant! this goes into my picnic basket, thankz.
i don't know about the programming but it put out weird sounds and that i know! very good, fun and easy. thankz from john.
absolute mayhem...and fast! a must for an experimental soundscape artist. top notch and lot's a thankz.
I got an Tenori-On and love it?s "Bounce" mode. But with a Monome, Arduinome, Block, Launchpad and your ported Boiingg you can actually do so much more than on a Tenori. This is fun! Thank you very much for your bounds128w patch.
hey, first patch life, then max! hope for your best from john.
Why can't I pan with my trackpad? Now I can! Excellent! Works on my MacBook Pro 15" - 10.6.2 - Late 2009. (Off the records: Something like this for Magic Mouse?) Thankz from John.
This raining notes fine on Arduinome and Livid Block. Very nice and I've been hoping for some more Monome apps to be ported to M4L. Very grateful for this Flin, John.
thank you, I will try v.3.1 and the unlocking. I actually already used it alot and it has become an necessity together with one of all my midi controllers, Livid Block. This patch is an absolute gem, a 5 rating, and thank you again from John.
Yes, it's very useful for moving around inside a drumrack on the fly without recalling presets or remapping. And it works perfectly with all kinds of midicontrollers! Simple and easy to use and understand, I call that clever and intelligent! Thankz from John.
yeah, i'm first, finally, to download, thankz!
This looks very good! I do not fully understand where to put the "RockBottomText.txt" file? I'm on Mac where a .txt file demands some creativity and maybe this patch doesn't work on Mac? The patch looks good when freshly started but when moving through some tracks it gets grayed out. Very grateful if this is my own fault. Thankful for help of any kind.
Sorry Crampe, tried "Rescan" but it didn't find my AU Plugins at standard location - Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components
I like the "CV to MIDI" kind of and hope you figure out what could be the problem. Wish you well, John.
this is embarrassing smart! thank you from john.
Like simple. Me inventive. Not patch. Like this. Much. John.
my retro quadrophonic speeching scarecrow robot installation will take advantage of these two brilliant timer patches. thank you monolake from john and stockholm
I also want "lush textures out of everything" but don't get nothing!
All of monolakes patches are absolutely briliant and probably this one to. If it just want to give away some lush textures?
this is my absolute favourite for my arduinome and the competition includes mir, 7up and so on. this is a masterpiece in effortless use and to throw in 64 clips and just beat it, so musical and fun! the updates gets it more and more stable and i appreciate the added from features.
big thanxz from john in stockholm.
down to basic. far far away from musical convention. adventurous. inventive. a serious toy for ears. this sort of application is what i hope is the start of the beginning of something that clear out my bored ears. i absolutely love it and have played for hours. thank you from john and stockholm.
"Disco" button...Love It!!!
Does work on my systems.
Snow Leopard
Windows 7
love the bird, had one forthy years ago! to headbang lfo's is the closest to punk we desktop engineers could hope for! love it and many thankz from john in stockholm.
"painting" words for my robots with the random position knob, love it!
thankz from john in stockholm.
that was a brilliant idea, well executed and I now use it all the time "sidechain"-mapped to a Korg KP3 to play mayhem, random and glitchie
sounds. thankz from john and stockholm.
fantastic, impressive, musical, playable and already lots of recorded material by just messing around and listening carefully!
thank you very much from john and stockholm.
what does it do and how to do it?