Comments by jasonmalcolmgibbins

Oh, ok just figured it out. I need to have it on free mode to automate the trigger as a midi note will override the envelope.

A few suggestions for future updates:
Not sure if this is already possible but I cant delete nodes one ive added one. Maybe have it behave in the same way as live. one click to add a node and another click to remove it.
A little box under the map button so that you can manually select the device and parameter to automate. also this will allow us to quickly see which parameter is being automated.
Maybe an invert and phase slider.
A finally if you were feeling really crazy, then a second envelope/lfo so that we can morph between the two shapes like in NI Massive.

Thanks for your great work, I rated 5 star. Looking forward to new update!
This is great, really good work and exactly what I was looking for. thanks man.
Im having trouble with automating the trigger though. As soon as I press play the automation envelove disables itself and turns grey? this happens in both clips and arrange view. Any ideas?