Comments by fermuscolo

Hi, Im testing new Firmware 2.0 in Osmose and they changed the way Presets change. I know Firmware is Beta and not all people have it but to let you know is not working with new version. Thanks

Hi. Very good utility. Can be possible to add aftertouch as a source or both source and destination. Thanks!!
Ok thank you a lot for everything.
Well, I tried and Live crashes when it sends the PC. The Osmose respond and changes the preset but Live crashes. Anyway I went back to previous version that works good with the External Device after it. Im using in Win11. Thanks
Thanks a lot!! Im gonna try it. Very useful for me
OK forget the last comment, I got it working, Just adding an Ext Inst to Osmose port2 ch16 and works like I need. Thanks
Great thank you!! Its possible to add to the destination Aftertouch? I have Osmose keyboard and is good to Invert and send CC74 to Aftertouch and Aftertouch to CC74. Thanks
Hello!! Thank you for this great device. I just got my Osmose yesterday but Im learning. Im using Windows, The device works and when clicking in a Preset number button it changes the preset in Osmose. Problem is that If I assign a Computer Keyboard number to trigger the change you see the button in screen responding turning white but it doesnt trigger the Preset change in Osmose. Thanks a lot
Hi very apreciated!! Thanks a lot. If I insert eco-m before an "MPE Control" it hangs notes like sustain on or something but If i insert after it works very good.
Hi Its possible to make this MPE compatible? If I use this on an MPE track the Pith bend controllers are bypassed or not working. Thanks a lot
Hi, I started using Mute mean disable and I like it a lot but Live crashes at exit, After much looking what caused Im sure now its MMD, Tried in 2 computers with full an empty projects. Just as a tough, Can you add an option to delay the disable after mute couple seconds so theres no hanging midi notes when switching? Thanks a lot!!