Comments by bwrobinett

One more thing :);idno=bbp2372.2011.112;format=pdf

Have you thought about adding pitch drift humanization? Because that would be amazing if we could get it all in the same plugin. And maybe even humanization arbitrary CC's. That would be amazing to have all that rolled into a single plugin.
Your demo set is broken, but it actually DOES work as long as you stick to the PLAYER with velocity humanization. But if you at any point put the plain PLAYER on a track, communication is cut off even if you switch it out with the the fancier velocity one.

Anyway, thanks so much for making this available! I ran across the Hennig stuff too and was all set to create a thing for Logic. But now that I've switched back to Live, (cuz, YaY, finally take recording and comping in Live 11)... Surprise! Someone already did the work! Thank you!

Noticed there's an s instead of a z in the second "humaniser" device name: "group humanizer PLAYER + velocity humaniser"
I'm having the same issue as @djerzinski above--no communication between Settings and Player.

Is there a way to download an older version?