Comments by audioramdam

you can go in all your patches and change the number finishing the yellow lines :
change 1 in 2 for track 2 , 1 in 3 for track 3 etc...
never had any distortion when spatialising with this plugin...
try to check your buffer size in Live preferences, perhaps it's too small.
Do you have this distortion also when you pan fast, or when you move your fader track very quickly ?
don't know...
did you try ?
let me know if it works
many thanks in advance
Hi AJ,

if your parameter goes in one jump to 1 , it's probably that you're using a Note on/off and not a Control Change , as you should use.
just verify this in Lemur.

sometimes when you create a new fader or rotating device, it has by default a Z parameter set to a note. It can be this Z who send a note on to 1. So just verify and delete this Z to none.

But in any case don't worry about this 0 to 1 scale, your problem is not there.

Hope your device will work now

could be great if somebody could improve this circular pan in order to control individual tracks. It could be very useful to have different circular moves at different speeds and parameters , for instance in a sound installation.
Must be possible : as I said, I'm not a great maxer at all , so I didn't succeed.
I tried the same modifications we did with cosmodd on the standard xy_send_nodes_3, but it doesn't change anything.
Thanks in advance if somebody could help
sorry for the bad link here is a good one :
Hi everybody,
here is a version 3 of cosmodd 's xy send nodes : after we made a few corrections, it works very well.
you can put it on several tracks and go in the patch to change numbers in the yellow objects, like cosmoddd explains just above.
No trouble, I'm not a great Maxer at all and I managed to do it.
You can even save any versions of the plug in with different numbers like cosmodd explains and they will be ready to use in any of your projects.
to roninmbattousai

I understand you modified the original xy send nodes, to react correctly to different CCs on different tracks.
That could be a great improvement. A lot of people are waiting for this.
Could you put it on line for everybody ?
Would you send it to me by email ?
because I dramatically need it for further multichannel Lemur interfaces.
my email :
Many, many thanks in advance
well, i was a little bit too optimistic with this plugin in June and now i do agree with you two, this patch doesn't do the job, because of some wrong midi routing, or implementation, inside the patch itself..
I have two audio tracks in my Live project.
On each of these tracks I insert a xy send nodes plugin.
I'm trying to command these xy send nodes with a midi controller such as midi touch or lemur. Both apps do have xy pads . I'm sending different midi CC from these controllers, each different , so there are 2 x, y parameters on 4 different midi CCs.
all x parameters react together , even if they have different midi channels and CC numbers.
and it's the same for y parameters
so you cannot spatialize each track independently

Nb : if you try this with the Multichannel send nodes plugin, it doesn't happen. midi channels and CC numbers are well recognized.

So I think it's possible to do it with xy send nodes plugin.
Can you do this, Cosmoddd ?
With this correction, your patch will be very useful for at least 3 persons on this list and I myself know 10 musicians waiting for that, but I estimate there could be hundreds of them, that we don't know
great , just great !
yes ! i'm searching for that device, for months...
thanks a lot !
i'm designing my own spatialization interfaces on Lemur and I was desperate not to be able to control that wonderful multichannel send nodes because it was receiving A and D, only.
And you did it.
great !