Comments by Royalston

is anyone having issues with this device since live 11? Mine only outputs 1 midi note (c1 I think) all my old projects dont work
Great work btw!
Can this device capture the state of a preset? ...So I could then automate it...
I'm in live 10 - the device doesn't seem to solo the track with either button. Im just getting a full resample of the whole track. Any ideas?
Thanks digix! great explanation. I will try this tomorrow :)
For what its worth I need the answers to 1,2 & 3 as well - I'm in the same boat. I couldn't get the device to connect and the midi ports always showed someone else's config. A mac setup guide for dummies (or non max users) would be very handy!
I've updated to max 7 (Live was pointing at an older version)...unfortunately it still doesn't connect and I still see these incorrect midi connections. Live 32bit doesn't work well on my machine unfortunately.

right clicking on the device it shows: lh_midiout: unable to load object bundle executable
lh_midiout: unable to load object bundle executable

Is there anything else I need to install?

Thanks for getting back to me -

I have restarted, same problem.
When I right click I see the message:
You are opening a device created with max 7 in an older version of the software....etc
imp.sysexin:unable to load extern, object has no main function
imp.midiin: unable to load extern, object has no main function
dict - savedPresets is not an object reference.

For reference, I'm on the latest versions of max for live and ableton. 64 bit.
I have a midi channel with your device on it - in ableton, the input is set to my midi keyboard, the output is set to my midi out connected to the matrix 1000.

Within your device, in the connection area (next to the red connection failure warning) I have 2 drop downs that show devices like an APC 40, microlite 1,2,3,4 etc which I don't have installed.

Thanks! Looking forward to getting this to work & sorry for my lack of max knowledge.
I've been trying to get this to work on OSX 64bit with little success. I have a matrix 1000 with 1.16 firmware. I can't change the midi ports (I have red "connection failure" in the left of the plugin window.) The midi ports all seem to be ports that belong to someone else (ie. microlite and fireface 400, which I don't have).

I can see the "press" & lever 1 responding to a midi input.
I have also tried with version 1.4 and I can get the matrix to respond to key presses. The only thing I could adjust, however, was detune and overall volume.

Any chance you could give a dummies setup guide? I'm not even sure how the midi channel in live should be setup so this works.

Sorry if these questions are too basic!