Comments by ArgentStar

c2001: I think the NonCommercial license means you can't sell it on. It doesn't mean the creator can't sell it to you. At least, that's my reading of it.
It's great, but when automating a change of presets it often causes a click/scratch sound. The weird thing is that the sound isn't recorded via export/resample and it even happens if the track with this on is muted. It even happens if I disable the instrument on the track. I've updated to the latest version of Ableton (11.2.10) and Max For Live (8.5.3) and it still happens. As I'm not using this in a live performance context and it doesn't get recorded/exported it's not the end of the world, but it's frustrating and means I'll have to find an alternative if I want to play a gig. :(
Superb piece of work! Once you get the hang of things it becomes so easy to create great complex pieces out of even the most basic sample. Easily my favourite M4L device this year and possibly ever. Big thanks! :)

If you're looking for new ideas, I'd absolutely love to see a version of the .data section that's freely mappable like an LFO. So instead of the values being passed through the the .play section and used to modulate the settings there, just have a "Map" button for each of the columns. That way, the user could apply these awesome mathematical rhythms to whatever parameter in Ableton they want! I'd pay good money for that too! :D