Device Details


Name | Version: AutoSliders - Easy Automation Recorder 1.3
Author: offthesky
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: FOR LIVE 12 USERS: finleguin's highly useful 'remote2mod' device works great with autosliders (until i can make a live 12 modulation' version):

just drag a slider and this automatically records your movements for that slider. map to whatever params within your project. includes a play/pause per slider, reset phase, playback direction, global speed, and smoother option. the midi devices have optional midi cc out. saves the automations with your project. great for experimental and generative music since the automations you record run out of sync from each other. i believe you can record up to about 69** hour's worth of automation for each slider ;]

tip1: you can use the shift key for incremental slider movements. press the ctrl key to allow recording to still go on even while you let off the mouse (to create jumps in the sliders).

v1.1 - added keyboard modifier "control" (osx=command) record-on function. so while the ctrl/cmd is pressed, you can then unclick your mouse and move the cursor to other areas on the same slider(or even a different slider!) and continue click-dragging for jumps in your automations. interestingly, you can also start recording the movements of multiple sliders at once a long as ctrl/cmd key is continuously held.

v1.2 - added midi cc out option in the midi devices. fixed a weird little initialization bug. fixed midi out not working.

v1.3 - added play/pause feature per slider. added reset phase button (can be automated to sync the sliders to the grid). added play direction (0=forward, 1 backward, 2 pingpoing). added global speed control(in ms. 1 = faaast, 100 = slooow. 25 is the sweet spot). added a global kill loop/init button. gussied up the gui a bit. added an instructional legend .jpg into the .zip. fixed a couple small weird bugs.

future updates may include: add a built in user presets option that allows you to save/recall(via automation) multiple slider recordings per device.

note: you can just overwrite the old v1.2(and below) .amxd files with these new ones without losing any slider automation data in your preexisting projects. in fact, you can even go from 1.3 backwards if need be and the slider recordings/mappings shouldn't get lost.

the .zip includes 4 devices:

Auto Slider 1x (audio).amxd - 1 slider, 8 mappers
Auto Slider 1x (midi).amxd - midi variant of the above
Auto Slider 4x (audio).amxd - 4 sliders, 1 mapper per
Auto Slider 4x (midi).amxd - midi variant

video demo live sketch showing off, in part, the auto slider devices:

similar free devices worth checking out: - can be tempo sync'd and lets you draw the recorded knob movements, but can't record very long automation loops. - namely the xy gesture, from which i borrowed a bit.

**the counter is set to 9999999 and the dict gets a new line every 25ms. hence the 69, and change, hours


Live Version Used: 11.2.10
Max Version Used: 8.3.3
Date Added: May 08 2023 20:35:10
Date Last Updated: Apr 17 2024 16:33:53
Downloads: 939
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
Average Rating (7)

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this is so good!
Man this is awesome.... was waiting for something like this...
Amazing device - thank you!!!
This is great, thanks! Works with Live 12.1 too! :)

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