Device Details


Name | Version: Meeblip micro Editor 1.2 1.2
Author: halfbyte
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: An updated version of scarkord's 1.1 editor.

basically only added full parameter recall which was missing from the original.


Live Version Used: 9.7.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.1
Date Added: Feb 17 2017 16:06:33
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 185
License: None
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Device File: Meeblip Micro 1.2.amxd


Ah, so this is for the Anode?
Currently I use MotherGarage's Multimapper for this purpose, although I love your toggle switches for randomizing. Means I can still gain access to the all the toggle buttons via 8 macros.

I was trying to correspond some CC values with the parameters that you have here. There were numbers that you have that I don't have, and vs vs. And it may just be how we've labeled them, features that separate the two micros, different mappings etc: filter accent CC56, LFO retriever CC57 as examples...

that is to say, I have the triode...
Nice update

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