Device Details
Name | Version: | AutomationRecorder 1.3 |
Author: | Krypt1k |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | NEW VERSION >> Simple device that records its built in LFO output into an automation envelope, that can then be copy and pasted onto whatever you want. Please report bugs and feel free to suggest features! Note: Be sure to enable "Automation Arm". 9/9/14 - Update 1.3: -Fixed problem with the device flooding Live's undo buffer. :) 8/22/14 - Update 1.2: -Fixed font issues with the about box. -Minor bug fixes. -Device is now properly frozen for distribution. |
Live Version Used: | 9.1.2 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.7 |
Date Added: | Aug 17 2014 03:24:20 |
Date Last Updated: | Sep 04 2015 03:27:55 |
Downloads: | 3465 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercial |
Average Rating
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-n/a- |
Device File: | AutomationRecorder 1.3.amxd |
This is very handy thank you. One very minor issue to note. On my system Win 7 32bit When I click on the little button on the bottom left the window that open with all the links does not display the links correctly. The font displays all weird symbols?
Posted on August 18 2014 by specialkay |
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Thanks for the feedback, thats very strange i will look into it!
Posted on August 20 2014 by Krypt1k |
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One problem is that the device fills the undo/redo buffer so it makes it impossible for me to actually undo my edits elsewhere in ableton. Is there a way to fix this or is that just a limitation of this device? Thank you, by the way. It works great besides this bug.
Posted on August 28 2014 by harris |
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Hey Harris, i have discovered a solution to solve the undo history problem! Stay tuned.
Posted on August 28 2014 by Krypt1k |
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great idea for a device.. thanks!
Posted on August 30 2014 by oisin |
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Thanks! I have some cool features I'm adding for the next update!
Posted on September 03 2014 by Krypt1k |
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Clearly I'm the one out of the loop if ableton is going to feature this on their blog! Could someone explain to me, step by step example to a dunce ("add second midi track, monitor set to in, latch Automation recorder while it's blinking to the first parameter you assign, drag/paste resulting automation onto other midi parameters" etc.) of how to use this device-I seriously have no clue.
I've looked through the screen shot. Couldn't even guess. I've tried every permutation of automation recording I know to see a clip level envelope for this device. Other than the undefined number box on the bottom which doesn't appear to record to anything but rather will take clip envelope changes-which seemingly do nothing to any parameter. I'm talking myself in circles.
If this is an oscillator that can be manually over-ridden with automation at any point without needing to be placed in take-over mode first, then I'm on board!
Much Love
I've looked through the screen shot. Couldn't even guess. I've tried every permutation of automation recording I know to see a clip level envelope for this device. Other than the undefined number box on the bottom which doesn't appear to record to anything but rather will take clip envelope changes-which seemingly do nothing to any parameter. I'm talking myself in circles.
If this is an oscillator that can be manually over-ridden with automation at any point without needing to be placed in take-over mode first, then I'm on board!
Much Love
Posted on September 10 2014 by braduro |
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Braduro, this devices simply draws a automation envelope in ableton that can be pasted to other parameters. I will create a video with instructions on how to use it! Stay tuned.
Posted on September 10 2014 by Krypt1k |
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Keep in mind, if you open this device in the max editor, it will stop working! This is not a security feature, it has to do with the dynamic nature of parameter visibility setting, will fix this shortly.
Posted on September 10 2014 by Krypt1k |
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Looking forward to the video! But that's my very source of confusion. What parameter is it recording? I get "anything." But where is it coming from? How/where do I confirm there's a source? To which track/clip? Where do you see the automation? What do you assign?
Also, might be nice if all it's doing is creating automation curves to have a drag/drop or copy option straight from the output window, the way some sequencers do or the Looper device...Think that would be possible?
Also, might be nice if all it's doing is creating automation curves to have a drag/drop or copy option straight from the output window, the way some sequencers do or the Looper device...Think that would be possible?
Posted on September 11 2014 by braduro |
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Take a look at this video This is a preview of the next version, but has similar functionality ( but you can map this one ). It records a envelope that does not control anything. simply a "dummy" envelope. You can then copy the envelope and paste it onto any parameter you want to control.
Posted on September 11 2014 by Krypt1k |
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Take a look at this video This is a preview of the next version, but has similar functionality ( but you can map this one ). It records a envelope that does not control anything. simply a "dummy" envelope. You can then copy the envelope and paste it onto any parameter you want to control.
Posted on September 11 2014 by Krypt1k |
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Cheers to ya!
Posted on September 12 2014 by braduro |
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Any ETA for the version with mapping ability? I'm pretty keen for that.
Posted on October 07 2014 by DJTitan |
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Any ETA for the version with mapping ability? I'm pretty keen for that.
Posted on October 07 2014 by DJTitan |
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DJTitan The next version with mapping will be out sometime in the next 2 weeks as time permits. Stay tuned!
Posted on October 16 2014 by Krypt1k |
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Please go here for the latest version.
Posted on November 16 2014 by Krypt1k |
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Ok, it was 10 years ago but a video for tutorial about the copy paste thing would still be amazing ^^"
thanks anyway
thanks anyway
Posted on August 03 2023 by aream |
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