Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI Tool Examples 20240611
Author: h1data
Device Type: MIDI Transformation
Description: Simple examples of MIDI Tools which are the new feature of Ableton Live 12 with Max for Live.

- Retrigger Transform
A transform example with js.
It divides notes by Factor note length.

- Scale Viewer: the same function as 'Fit to Scale' button and shows scale image like Scale MIDI effect device.

- Separate Transform: Separate connected notes by shortening the first note.


Live Version Used: 12.0
Max Version Used: 8.6
Date Added: Mar 05 2024 15:17:36
Date Last Updated: Jun 12 2024 22:09:21
Downloads: 0
License: None
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Congrats on being the first to post a transformation tool. It might be just as helpful at this stage to include instructions on how transformations are installed.
How does it remain an amxd file, if it nonetheless installs to the midi tools section of the clip view?
Haha, thanks. I'm preparing other practical transformers.

You can choose User transformers/generators from MIDI clips by putting amxd files somewhere in your Live library.
But you have to choose them each time because nothing about transformers/generators is saved in Live sets.
Changed the device name from Retrigger Transformer and other example devices will be published.

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