Device Details
Name | Version: | LikeABoss Looper 1.10 |
Author: | InguinalLig |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | Video explaining. I'll update the video to make it clearer when I get some time. If you have comments or suggestions or ways to clean up the code, please comment. What this device does: - Assign a midi note to record and delete clips in a 3x3 grid. I haven't tested it with a midi track but you could send the midis audio to an audio track and it should work. - Even if recording is slightly out of sync with metronome(within a beat or so) it will still force it to be a number of measures long. No more fixed length recording. I have my buffer size set to 32 and there is very little latency. Your mileage may vary with higher buffer sizes. You just press the record on the 1st beat of the measure, and press it again on the 1st beat of whatever measure you pick. No need to be insanely precise on your start or stop recording. |
Live Version Used: | 11 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.5 |
Date Added: | Jun 24 2021 02:09:55 |
Date Last Updated: | Jul 15 2021 15:04:20 |
Downloads: | 318 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
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Device File: | LikeABossLooper1.10.amxd |
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