Device Details
Name | Version: | Algae MIDI 1.0 |
Author: | stringtapper |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Algae MIDI is the algorithmic engine from the Algae algorithmic polysynth only without the synth! Just put it on a MIDI track in front of your favorite instrument and start Live's transport to play. You can either use the algorithmic engine or choose MIDI input which lets you either choose a static pitch collection with the keyboard or you can play dynamically through your controller or a midi clip. Set the "Center" and "Range" dials as the X and Y on an XY controller for some fun. **This version has a known issue where MIDI mode will send out a continuous note C2 when it isn't getting any input. I'm working on it** MIDI "mountain" code from Katsuhiro Chiba's "Sev." Rest probability algorithm from the M4L MIDI effect "Max PolyBeat." |
Live Version Used: | 8.2.2 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.8 |
Date Added: | Jul 23 2011 11:00:47 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 2133 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
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Device File: | Algae MIDI 1.0.amxd |
Thanks for this. Working in 9.0.6. I got rid of the repeating C2 by putting a change object before your noteout.
Posted on September 13 2013 by intelligentlife |
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Actually, ahem, that didn't work because it strips the noteoffs - oops! The other thing that worked, but is not ideal is sel 36 to filter out C2 altogether…not elegant. Will work on it. It's a great device for playing live and creating autoaccompaniment.
Posted on September 13 2013 by intelligentlife |
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one of the most useful random note generators and one of my most used devices. thanks a lot!!! it only loses all settings (or maybe just the midi settings...?) when i reopen a project. anyway, keep it up ma man :)
Posted on January 16 2014 by rozze |
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