Device Details


Name | Version: jot.keytempo 1.0
Author: Render
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This device lets you control live's tempo using a keyboard.
The device called jot.keytempo is pretty simple, you just map the desired keys of your keyboard to the buttons via the KEY-mapping in Ableton.
It will then in- or decrease your tempo accordingly.

If you want to have repeat, so it will increase the tempo when you hold the button down for some time, you need to use this device:


Live Version Used: 9.7.7
Max Version Used: 8.0.3
Date Added: May 26 2019 18:01:27
Date Last Updated: May 26 2019 18:08:11
Downloads: 122
License: Attribution
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Device File: jot.keytempo.amxd


Having trouble launching this device running Live 9.7.7 Is there something I'm missing? Thx

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