Device Details
Name | Version: | Somnitecs 4.1 surround panner 1.1 |
Author: | somnitec |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | A surround panner inspired by djatlas and kodamapixel. Fixed the 'dip in middle' problem, made it automatable, and used .remote~ instead of .object so the undo history won't be clogged This is a M4L device that allows a 4.1 setup with Abelton Live. Next to this device, you'll need to create 4 return channels. On earch channel you assign the "Audio To"->"Ext. Out" to the coresponding outputs on your audio interface. Also set "Audio To"->"Sends Only" on each channel you use this device on, to avoid problems. V1.1 update: Panner is midi controllable Updated interface Decreased CPU load I've been trying to allow the recording of automation from the device, but can't seem to do it without clogging the system... |
Live Version Used: | 8.2.1 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.7 |
Date Added: | Jan 09 2011 17:43:12 |
Date Last Updated: | Dec 28 2011 08:27:02 |
Downloads: | 2982 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionShareAlike |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
3 |
Device File: | Somnitecs 4.1 panner v1.1.amxd |
Thanks for this device! But other than drawing in automation how else can I can control the panner? Is there a way to assign L/R and F/B to knobs with midi? Thank you!
Posted on September 14 2011 by gingerjew |
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Awesome device. How can I assign the panner to MIDI and hows the 7.1 edition coming along? I would love to be able to use ableton extensively with my 7.1 rear surround music. Thanks again.
Posted on October 02 2011 by roninmbattousai |
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Updated! Allowed the midi assigning.
A 7.1 version will have to wait, as I don't have a setup to test it with.
A 7.1 version will have to wait, as I don't have a setup to test it with.
Posted on December 28 2011 by somnitec |
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works great - thanks!
Posted on December 10 2012 by oisin |
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would love to be able to do clip automation - works fine in arrangement view, but not in clips.
Posted on December 11 2012 by oisin |
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Great plugin!!
Question: It seems like I can´t record automation moving around the little circle. The automation is only recorded when I move the triangles for Front/back and Left/Right balance which isn't enough for surround automation since I can't move them simultaneously. Is this possible to do or maybe a future feature??
Question: It seems like I can´t record automation moving around the little circle. The automation is only recorded when I move the triangles for Front/back and Left/Right balance which isn't enough for surround automation since I can't move them simultaneously. Is this possible to do or maybe a future feature??
Posted on September 19 2013 by akej |
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Answer to my own question: Use the Max for live XY Pad.
Posted on September 24 2013 by akej |
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add ,01 ms ramp time to all the line ~ objects to prevent zipper noise
Posted on June 20 2015 by Dildano |
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how can i post an update to the author ? this site should support open source version updating. I cant paste the code here either ..
you need a 5ms ramp actually (message box - $1 5) before the line~ to accommodate for bass sounds and also you need to stuck a utility to cut the right and left channels respectively per corner, or you get mono
you need a 5ms ramp actually (message box - $1 5) before the line~ to accommodate for bass sounds and also you need to stuck a utility to cut the right and left channels respectively per corner, or you get mono
Posted on June 21 2015 by Dildano |
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the utility goes on the return tracks , set Left front to only left , rf to right, etc. Try with stereo track. now you get stereo in center and just right track when hard right just left when hard left etc. without this you are summing left and right to mono and panning that and also have mono and lose stereo when centered
Posted on June 21 2015 by Dildano |
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This is great, because you have very little dips in amplitude between speakers thanks to the [p logs]. I have spent a couple of days in this. makes some important points, which I have been stuggling with... how to split the stereo file / channel into L and R *at the start*, do independent Quad panning, I'm using "nodes" - two nodes activated, one for left and one for right, and then finish similarly to your [p logs]; although I would like to use the cycle~ method of sqrt in there instead.
At the moment I'm looking at resorting to having to use a Master(Left) and Slave(Right) i.e. 2 channels per clip.
Any ideas? makes some important points, which I have been stuggling with... how to split the stereo file / channel into L and R *at the start*, do independent Quad panning, I'm using "nodes" - two nodes activated, one for left and one for right, and then finish similarly to your [p logs]; although I would like to use the cycle~ method of sqrt in there instead.
At the moment I'm looking at resorting to having to use a Master(Left) and Slave(Right) i.e. 2 channels per clip.
Any ideas?
Posted on July 06 2015 by bugcompass |
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Any tutorials on how to use this? Dildano and bugcompass, would you care to maybe also share your thoughts on it's shortcomings? I'm getting a bit lost with your comments regarding max4live programming :) So far this is the only max4live surround panning solution.
Posted on April 08 2017 by bdumaguina |
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