Device Details


Name | Version: Sequencing Clock Divider 1.1.5
Author: stev
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This sequencer has a built in clock divider which runs on midi note inputs. This allows you to use any rhythm you want (polyphonic too) to run the sequencer. You can also make the pitches you input transpose the pitches it outputs. This device is great for interesting generative rhythms and melodies that can change with the turn of a knob.

This is the final device of the series which includes the Sequencing Clock Multiplier , Floating Clock Multiplier and Integral Clock Divider


Clock Dividers

This 16 step sequencer runs by receiving continuous midi note inputs acting as clock inputs. Depending on the division you set, the sequencer will output a step every so many midi inputs. At a division of one it will play every note, at 4 it will play on the first note, then rest for three notes and repeat. Playing an 8 note chord multiple times will count as a 8 clock ins per chord and will result in 2 steps being played per chord (with the division still set at 4). This division is graphically displayed at the top of the clock divider by the moving white bars. When these bar finish its cycle and moves from far right to far left the sequencer will output.


This device can either receive midi input from the midi track in which it resides or it can receive it from an external midi bus, depending on whether you're using the “Midi In” or the “Bus In” feature. The “Bus In” feature is compatible with Ableton's “Max Midi Sender” device from their Max 7 Pitch and time Machines pack or my free “Heap Midi Sender” device. This device is basically the same but has more channels, is less user friendly, and can send individual notes.

The input doesn't have to be steady which can give you interesting results. You can also set it to receive one note instead of all notes with the “All/One” tab. This way you can control multiple sequencers from the same track. (Hint: Pair this with the Sequencing Clock Multiplier, Floating Clock Multiplier and Integral Clock Divider for maximum fun)

Pitch In

When the pitch in toggle is active, the pitches of the steps are modulated by the pitches of the incoming midi notes.

Reset In

When the reset function is on, you set one note that will reset all of the sequencer and clock divider. On hot mode, this happens immediately, on cold it happens on the next clock in.

Sequencer Controls

Control the amount of steps, phase, offset and direction of the sequence. Quantize the output to Ableton's timeline, and limit the maximum amount of notes it can play at once. Note that this device can only quantize midi backwards so quantized inputs will output one quantized beat division late.

Step Controls

Control of pitch, velocity and duration of individual steps, with global and relative control of velocity and duration.

Pop Out

Access the pop up window by clicking the “Big” button. Use the pop up window to play this device more musically with keyboard interfaces for control of pitch instead of knobs.

For more specific instructions, mouse around the device, there's built in info text about specific parameters.

Push Integration

Parameters automatically map to Push in clearly labelled banks.

Demo Videos:

Made to work with:

Floating Clock Multiplier:

Sequencing Clock Multiplier:

Integral Clock Divider:

Heap Midi Sender:

Buy these devices together at a discount in the MIDI clock pack:


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Nov 05 2018 21:56:46
Date Last Updated: Sep 23 2021 02:26:37
Downloads: 1
License: Commercial
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This device has changed my life! Thank you for making this wonderful creation. There is ONE THING that I desperately hope can be added that would fully allow it to do what I want:
A reset control that doesn't make the first note in the sequence trigger when it's received. Also mappable to CC and notes, not just notes.

Ideally I could make the reset mapped ON briefly at the beginning of a dummy clip and then the first midi note received after that would trigger the first note of the programmed sequence. I have different SCDs on different chains of a rack with different patterns in each, each scene selects a different chain selector and i want a dummy clip in each scene to select the chain and send a reset that doesn't play the first note.

Hopefully I've explained this well enough.... I hope to hear back. Thank you again for your amazing devices.
We added these features and more with the latest update! Thanks for your suggestions! contact us through the email on our site if you have any more!
Get ready for a fiesta in your head noggin. You bring the piñata, this device covers the rest.

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