Device Details


Name | Version: Buffer TempoScan 1.0
Author: pmedig
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Buffer TempoScan V1 by pmedig (

This M4L instrument scans an audio file (from a buffer) for the length of a specified note value (Scan Size) at a specific position (Scan Start) repeatedly according to the project tempo. The audio output can be directed to 4 different stereo outputs according to the midi note selected.

Midi Note C3 sends the audio to outputs 1/2 (track where the Buffer TempoScan is located). Midi Note C#3 to outputs 3/4, Midi Note D3 to outputs 5/6, Midi Note D#3 to outputs 7/8. To use the different stereo outputs: make a new audio track and choose the track of the Buffer TempoScan as input type and as input channel 3/4, 5/6, or 7/8 from the Buffer TempoScan.

Buffer Channel(s)
Stereo: uses L and R channels of a stereo file
Left (mono): uses L channel of a stereo file or the single channel of a mono file
Right: uses R channel of a stereo file
Mono PS: Pan spreading of a monoed stereo file
Left (mono) PS: Pan spreading using the L channel of a stereo file or the single channel of a mono file
Right PS: Pan spreading using the R channel of a stereo file

Scan Start
Scan start position as fraction of the file size (0 - 1).

Scan Length
Length 4n = 1/4 note etc. (d=dotted t=triplet). Length in milliseconds depends on the project tempo.

Scan Window
0 = rectangle, 0.5= triangle. A value of 0.03-0.04 is recommended to avoid clicks.

Pan Spread
Positions each scan in the stereo field. 0 = mono, 1 = 100% stereo. Only active when Mono PS, Left PS or Right PS is chosen in the Buffer Channel(s) menu. Each scan is located randomly to a position in a range defined by the spread.


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: May 14 2018 19:26:58
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 568
License: None
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Device File: Buffer TempoScan V1.0.amxd

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