Device Details


Name | Version: Contact 1.0
Author: fuse
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Contact is a MIDI sequencer that uses the binary code of the Arecibo message to create rhythmic patterns.


Live Version Used: 8.4.2
Max Version Used: 6.0.8
Date Added: Jan 17 2018 10:16:53
Date Last Updated: Jan 18 2019 09:18:29
Downloads: 1728
License: Attribution
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Device File: Contact.amxd


This is really great! Can you create your own patterns?
yes, you can explore the message with the "Arecibo row" parameter and create new sequences.
thank you! great!
so each time you press on Arecibo Row, does it generate a random digital sequence or are they hardwired? I see how you build up a sequence doing layers, but I'm interested to know if we can alter each arecibo row "digits"
no is hardwired, you can only use the lines of the message

This is awesome, thanks!
What device do I put the instances of Contact into?
Hi spoofjames, you can use contact with all midi devices

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