Device Details


Name | Version: CC Sender 16 1.0
Author: THenriK
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is a similar device to CC Sender 8, except that it can handle 16 different freely assignable CCs. The small UI can be a bit tricky to read, but once set, it won't take much space either.

Each parameter set includes a text box for parameter description, number box to enter CC number, and a knob to set it's value.




Live Version Used: 8.2.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Nov 17 2010 03:51:32
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 4681
License: None
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: CC Sender 16.amxd


Trying to download, but it won't let me =o.
I'm very hopeful that this'll allow me to automate midi cc's in Live's automation lanes. I only have one noob question: "How do you select what midi device & channel your cc's are being sent to?"
Love this device and use it consistently with Moog gear and more. I noticed that the parameter names do not save and do not show up with hot swap in Live 8 or 9. Any thoughts on when this might be corrected? Thanks for a great device.
Cool device, does not save label data with project?
Hi! i've tried this device ! really cool! but i can't save macro label on CC Sender 16 and i 've found a problem..
sending multiple CC (even on different MIDI channel) result on a huge delay of any message.. any suggestion? i've tried modulate from envelope in clip view also and it work..

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