Device Details


Name | Version: jot.zoomer Zoom Utility 1.2
Author: Render
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Finally I managed to find a way to control the ableton zoom keys.
Just key- or midimap the buttons and zoom with them.
Tip: just save it into your default session to have the zoom keys by default.
IMPORTANT: you need the java development toolkit in order for this to work!


Live Version Used: 9.6.2
Max Version Used: 7.2.4
Date Added: Jan 24 2017 05:59:03
Date Last Updated: Sep 12 2018 16:37:40
Downloads: 962
License: Attribution
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Device File: jot.zoomer.amxd


Great device!

Any chance of adding an option like holding SHIFT to control vertical zoom of tracks in arrangement view in addition to horizontal?
glad you like it!

but im sorry, I have to disappoint you, because max devices only receive keypresses, when they are active (clicked on, changing values, etc.) so the device wouldn't receive the shift keypress. maybe this is possible with an external, but I dont have something like that.

Best, J
Interesting. @Crampe's "Push-ArrangeMode" device seems to have achieved this somehow using Ableton's Push to control the vertical zoom with a knob. Not sure how it's implemented exactly, but may be worth checking out.
I've been hoping someone would make this happen. Using preferences to change the zoom setting is so time consuming...

...but I can't make this little guy work!

It loads and opens in Live, and I can map it with both "K" and "M" and it lights up, but... doesn't zoom in.

Or zoom out.

What am I doing wrong?

I am also probably missing something. It's not working on my end. Using 9.7 Build 2016-09-29 64 bit
Don't think this device is meant to control the Display Zoom. It is for the timeline zoom.
It should control all kinds of zoom, since it's basically just triggering the +/- key. Do you have java installed? because the device uses a java external called mxj.autobot. Open the device and check if the autobot object is fine.
Gah, I really wished this site had notifications for replies! Thank you for responding @Render, yes I'm getting errors regarding Java 2 Runtime Environment. I've installed the latest Java SE Runtime Environment 8u121. Still getting the same errors. Am I missing something?
Gah, I really wished this site had notifications for replies! Thank you for responding @Render, yes I'm getting errors regarding Java 2 Runtime Environment. I've installed the latest Java SE Runtime Environment 8u121. Still getting the same errors. Am I missing something?
Would it be easier to get in touch via email?
Hi ,
My system is Maverick 10.9.5 and i instaled javaforosx.dmg (old one recomanded)
Unfortunately jot.zoomer Zoom Utility 1.2 don't works :/
Can u help me please?
Best regards.
I was excited for this, but doesn't seem to work :'(

I installed java too....
Hey all of you! I dont know if this helps, but you need to install the java development toolkit for this device to work, I put the link in the description!

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