Device Details
Name | Version: | MatrixBrute FilterControl 1.0 |
Author: | khidr |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | I created a M4L device for Ableton that allows you to control the filters of the MatrixBrute from within a clip using clip envelopes. It's based on Robert Henke ControlChange8 Device. I've extended it to 13 parameters and linked the knobs to the knobs of the MatrixBrute filter section. It will of course only work if the parameter you want to control is active on the MatrixBrute. You can for example control the cutoff frequency of the Steiner filter, but you will only hear when the Steiner filter is active and you've routed an oscillator to it. To install download the the attachments and drag MatrixBruteFiltercontrol12B.adv into Ableton. The obvious way to use this device is to record some midi in a clip and control the Steiner and Ladder filter using clip envelopes. As an alternative you can create a dummy clip without any midi content and control the MB directly from Ableton. On the MatrixBrute set Midi sync to external. The controllers of the Filter device will also show up in the arrangement view. Good luck. |
Live Version Used: | 9.6.2 |
Max Version Used: | 7.2.4 |
Date Added: | Jan 21 2017 06:47:41 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 296 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | MatrixBruteFiltercontrol12b.amxd |
Hi! Is there a way to get all of the controls on this mapped to push 2? I'm a beginner and not sure if they are and I just don't know how to access ... ? Great device thanks!!!
Posted on March 06 2017 by eroxx |
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