Device Details


Name | Version: valence FM 1.2
Author: disconnector
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Valence FM is a 2-operator FM synthesizer, with some features that make it a bit different than a standard Yamaha DX-type synth.

There are 25 single-cycle waveforms to use as the carrier and modulator waves. It can work in mono or stereo, with separate FM depth controls per channel.

"Rate" is a bitrate reduction effect, followed by a non-resonant high pass filter, and then a resonant lowpass filter. both FM amount and the lowpass cutoff can be assigned to the second envelope.

Rand == All will randomize the settings, except for Gain, Glide, and Envelope Triggering. Credit to Chris Randall of Audio Damage for the name. I've wanted to put this into a synth for awhile now.

Credit is also due to AdventureKid, where the waveforms were sourced (except for the standard 7 waves at the end of the list, straight from Max's library). While the waves themselves are public domain, he put a ton of work into collecting them:


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.4
Date Added: May 19 2016 21:28:49
Date Last Updated: May 19 2016 21:42:02
Downloads: 2548
License: AttributionNonCommercial
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: Valence FM.amxd


cool little synth

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