Device Details
Name | Version: | Vector Node 1.1 |
Author: | MrDorianJames |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This device came about from my interest in "vector synthesis". I can't afford any of the major vector synths (Prophet VS/Wavestation) so i made something to make it in M4L. This took awhile because: A) I'm new to max B) I couldn't find a good UI object that worked the way I wanted. I eventually found the nodes object which was first submitted to Cycling74' by ANDREW BENSON. Thanks for making my dreams of vector synthesis happen. also i grabbed a few elements such as the mapping subpatches from elsewhere. How it works: Move the white dot around and the values of the 5 sliders change. The respective sliders can be mapped to a live parameters. The first four sliders are the corners. The fifth slider is linked to the middle. Where it gets fun: Besides being able to automate the sliders inside Ableton Live, It has a built in recorder so you can record your movement and when you hit a note it will play back your recorded movements. Enjoy!! Update: 1.2 didn't include js file ...oops |
Live Version Used: | 9.2 |
Max Version Used: | 7.0.4 |
Date Added: | Feb 05 2016 08:51:39 |
Date Last Updated: | Feb 25 2016 06:31:38 |
Downloads: | 1742 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(2) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Vector Node.amxd |
nice!! thank you vrmch
Posted on February 06 2016 by drejkee |
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Great tool, but the central point, 5th slider doesn't work
Posted on November 19 2023 by ItriggerI |
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