Device Details
Name | Version: | Quadrant 1.1 |
Author: | disconnector |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | Quadrant is a monophonic, four oscillator synthesizer, that triggers each oscillator in a round-robin fashion. Each oscillator can either produce a shapable triangle wave (sawtooth at either end), or a square wave with adjustable pulse width. A single LFO per voice can be assigned to pitch, pulse/waveshape, and filter. Each oscillator is tunable, which is quite a bit of fun when you plug it into an arpeggiator. The 1.1 update adds a master volume control, and a parameter lock. Engaging this will allow you to edit all four oscillators at once with the first (red) oscillator section. Makes using it a bit less tedious. |
Live Version Used: | 9.1.6 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.9 |
Date Added: | Mar 24 2015 16:42:00 |
Date Last Updated: | Mar 25 2015 09:49:08 |
Downloads: | 1867 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercial |
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Device File: | Quadrant.amxd |
Your synth is very nice!
What do you think to add some preset save/recall in the device?
Would be very useful.
If you do it in the regular way as buttons, but also connected to a knob to cycle through them, we could automate presets during the song.
What do you think to add some preset save/recall in the device?
Would be very useful.
If you do it in the regular way as buttons, but also connected to a knob to cycle through them, we could automate presets during the song.
Posted on May 13 2015 by oscillator |
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1. Parameter lock - edit any parameter on OSC 1 (red), and all the other oscillators will follow.
2. Stacked voice mode, where all four OSCs trigger at once.
3. Master volume control (most useful for situation #2).