Device Details
Name | Version: | Aira System-1 0.2 |
Author: | Yalopa |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Since Roland forgot to create a plug-out-VST for the Aira System-1 itself, I created this M4L device. I believe in keeping things simple, this reflects the UI. This is my first M4L device, feedback, bugs etc are highly appreciated. V0.2: Bug fixes: wrong labels on some drop down menu's New feature: recognises controller movements from the system-1. No more need to do midi mapping, make sure that in Ableton you send the system-1 midi signals in the chain and enable the in control box. I suggest to disable the in control button if you have automation going on since you actually create a midi loop when doing this. (it is not harmful, but can be annoying) |
Live Version Used: | 9.1.4 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.7 |
Date Added: | Sep 19 2014 02:11:30 |
Date Last Updated: | Sep 22 2014 18:08:53 |
Downloads: | 823 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | System-1.amxd |
how do you make it work ? (it does not recognize controls
Posted on October 15 2014 by pachakroma |
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1/ the max device should recieve MIDI, you can do this by arming the track or by setting the monitoring to "IN" on the midid track
2/ the "in control" checkbox of the M4L device should be marked
Hope this helps.
2/ the "in control" checkbox of the M4L device should be marked
Hope this helps.
Posted on October 21 2014 by Yalopa |
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