Device Details
Name | Version: | DRK LIVEMATRIX 1.0 |
Author: | DrKesler |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This plugin is an experimental step sequencer made from zero (without the step sequencer object) with focus on rythm and harmony free improvisation. Its name is dedicated to the great MATRIX module from Reason software, since Live internally lacks from this type of module in Live format, and a I think lot of people miss some kind of step sequencer in Live. I saw some done with the step sequencer module, but I liked to make it from the basic Max objects, and as it is done from scratch, I made this one with more capabilities than Reason´s Matrix that I think could be useful and creative for others too. I used Live object to build it when possible, so it is fully automable and MIDI assignable under Live, also including the presets calls. It has no fixed synchro to Live clock (BPM tempo) and transport (play-stop): I prefered to leave you the option to have independent BPM from Live clock and make polyrythms, heterophonies, shiftings and some complex rythms with independent tempos. Each preset-pattern can have its own steps quantity and BPM tempo...independent from Live main tempo!! Same with play-stop, to get shiftings and independent starts and experimental rythms. But if you like to use it as a traditional step sequencer, say sync it with Live clock, simply click ABLETON BPM. And if you want to sync start-stop, click ABLETON PLAY-STOP. See te HELP inside DRK LIVEMATRIX for details about using. Video Tutorial: LIVE PERFO WHERE I USE IT: MORE VIDEOS, HELP, ABLETON TEMPLATE, STAND ALONE (MXF) AND MAX VERSION HERE: Author: Fabian Kesler - |
Live Version Used: | 9.1.2 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.7 |
Date Added: | May 30 2014 21:24:22 |
Date Last Updated: | Aug 06 2014 23:18:25 |
Downloads: | 1299 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercial |
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Device File: | DRK LIVEMATRIX.amxd |
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