Device Details
Name | Version: | Analog Compressor 1.0 |
Author: | JSoundMusic |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | Very simple compressor. Stereo processing with a link button. When link is unchecked the left and right sidechains are separate. When check the Left and Right are summed together and sent to BOTH sidechains creating a different compression sound. The meters can monitor input, gain reduction and output. and when selected the in and out selects a different reaction time to the GR. Overdrive is added to both channels for harmonic distortion and a very very simple crosstalk that simply feeds a filtered signal of left and right to the opposite channel. I would like to study crosstalk effects more and see if i can find a way to implement it . I also think I will add a mono processing channel to it with a selection button. If there is a way to completely turn off the stereo processing with this button in and vice-versa to save computer resources I will add this in. I would also like to add in at least one external sidechain selector but it might be interesting to experiment with two or three and an auto release function. Finally, I want to add some simple IR convolution to both channels to add an EQ curve that exists in a piece of analog gear. |
Live Version Used: | 9.1.2 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.7 |
Date Added: | May 17 2014 09:04:27 |
Date Last Updated: | May 17 2014 09:14:45 |
Downloads: | 2249 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercial |
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Device File: | Analog Compressor.amxd |
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