Device Details
Name | Version: | Roland AIRA TB-3 Remote 1.0 |
Author: | nerk |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This is a remote device for the Roland AIRA TB-3 allowing you to record modulations using Push, the APCs or any other controller. I found out about the (undocumented) CCs more or less by accident, so there might be more. Let me know in the comments if you discover any new ones i should add to this. Available parameters: Cutoff Resonance Accent Effect ENV MOD X Y |
Live Version Used: | 9.1.1 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.4 |
Date Added: | Apr 06 2014 18:19:39 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 2935 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
4 |
Device File: | Roland AIRA TB-3 Remote.amxd |
hi , im an absolute newbie to max for live , i found out about the packs on here through searching for a way of controlling the tb 3 with ableton mainly just how to start and stop the patterns , I've been i touch with roland and have been sent link to some info which apparently will allow me to do what i want to do , but i have absolutely no idea how to programme cc messages etc , ill enclose a link to said info , see if you can use it ? and also tell me how to start and stop the tb 3 !
Posted on July 15 2014 by andydriver |
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Hey Mate - this is fantastic thank you - how stupid they dont let you record automation with the hardware.
One thing - on Ableton PUSH when in the device mode the 8 Preset POTS across the top for the device are great but the 5th PATCH for ENV (which is a key one I think) seems to be missing.
So PUSH offers up
1 - Cutoff
2- Resnance
3- Accent
4 - Effect
6 - Mod
7 - X
8 - Y
I fixed it fairly easily - you just need to go and edit the properties for ENV and change the Automapping Index from 2 to 5 and save that off and it fixes it.
Very chuffed - may be worth a update it you have a second
One thing - on Ableton PUSH when in the device mode the 8 Preset POTS across the top for the device are great but the 5th PATCH for ENV (which is a key one I think) seems to be missing.
So PUSH offers up
1 - Cutoff
2- Resnance
3- Accent
4 - Effect
6 - Mod
7 - X
8 - Y
I fixed it fairly easily - you just need to go and edit the properties for ENV and change the Automapping Index from 2 to 5 and save that off and it fixes it.
Very chuffed - may be worth a update it you have a second
Posted on December 10 2014 by thethirdman |
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While building my TB-3 M4L, I discovered your posts on TB-3 and TR-8.
Regarding the TB-3, I also got some inspiration from "godbeat" on this web site; he found a way to navigate through the TB-3 sounds using CC0 and PGM.
I am now searching a way to save my TB-3 configurations (all CC + sound) within a Live MIDI clip (currently I could store and recall presets but from M4L GUI but I need to integrate that with Push encoders).
I will let you know what I come up with.
Thanks for sharing your patches.