Device Details


Name | Version: SeqScene RV 2
Author: RVirmoors
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: UPDATED in v2:

New Relative/Absolute control for Scene launching. When in Relative mode, the key input will be ADDED to the existing scene ID. Also, Ableton will keep the sequencer scene selected at all times for complete hands-off usage :)

The Clips mode is left unaffected.


Based on 12RT2's Sequenscene v1.1:

Make sequence of scenes (or clips on a specific track) using midi clips. Check out the original Sequenscene device page for detailed instructions.


The RANDOMIZER Function:
"RV" stands here for Random by Velocity: enter a chord (up to 6 simultaneous notes) and the device will trigger ONE of the respective scenes randomly, weighted by each note's velocity.

e.g. you may have the following chord / corresponding scenes:
C-2 vel 30 ..... scene 1 prob 30%
C#-2 vel 30 ... scene 2 prob 30%
D-2 vel 40 ..... scene 3 prob 40%

Note: the original Sequenscene's velocity mapping function has been removed


Live Version Used: 9
Max Version Used: 6
Date Added: Feb 09 2014 15:31:36
Date Last Updated: Feb 17 2014 05:13:35
Downloads: 622
License: Attribution
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: SeqScene RV2.amxd


Oh, gosh...
I've been Dreaming of such a device for a while.

Please continue working on any kinks.

I works beautifully. However, I did notice that there were times that it would be unresponsive then continue as normal.

Using clips as arrangements. This will be an integral part of my workflow.

Thanks, again!
While I'm trying to figure out the bug, you can try working with the original version, which seems more stable


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