Device Details


Name | Version: LayerLab 1.0
Author: marianosibilia1992
Device Type: Instrument
Description: LayerLab is a Max for Live instrument designed for generating one-shot sounds through stochastic sample layering.

Just load a folder of sounds, trigger a MIDI note, and hear layers unfold in unpredictable ways.


Demo Video:


You control how samples are selected and layered across 4 independent slots, adjusting parameters like sample position, playback latency, and speed, either tape-style (where speed affects pitch) or with time stretching (keeping pitch intact while altering duration). Additional controls shape panning, dynamic balance (volume relative to other layers, not gain), and more.

The XTRA window unlocks more tweaks, including playback direction (forward/reverse), LP and HP filtering, time stretching options, and L/R phase inversion.

Everything can be randomized in one click or fine-tuned via a matrix, where you can select which parameters to randomize or reset and set deviation amounts for controlled variation.


Important: this device doesn’t store presets. So record everything and remove it from your project once you’ve captured sounds you like.


Stretch it, push it, make it your own. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Mar 27 2025 15:30:34
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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