Device Details
Name | Version: | Fell Sequencer 1.0 |
Author: | bbidolli |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | This patch is inspired by the Elektron Digitone, the work of Mark Fell, and vintage four-track recorders. It allows users to sequence four separate tracks of audio on external hardware, software instruments, or samples. The presentation view is designed in a similar manner to the four track toggle box format of the Elektron Digitone interface and provides multiple options for sequencing and options for sequence randomization. In presentation view the two stacked toggles on the left side of the box control gate sequencers meant for more rhythmic functions, with the upper left toggle button enabling an eight step gate sequencer, and the lower left toggle enabling a 16-step sequencer. The upper and lower right sides of the toggle box provide variable and scale quanitized pitch sequencing, where users can specify how long they would like the sequence to be in the multislider parameters, and a scramble function providing automated randomness in selected pitches after a specific number of play throughs which can be specified in the small number boxes in presentation view. The pitch sequencing is pre programmed to an A minor arpeggio on the upper right side of the toggle box, and A minor scale on the lower right side, but users can edit this manually in using the relevant coll object. Please note the following tutorials were used to create this patch: Basic Sequencing in Max - Scale Quantizer - Max Procedural Music Software Tutorial | How to Make a Scale Quantizer | Berklee Online Patching Samples - Patching Samples 1/5: |
Live Version Used: | 12.0.5 |
Max Version Used: | 8.6.2 |
Date Added: | Jan 08 2025 11:40:25 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 241 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | Fell Sequencer.amxd |
no idea what I'm doing but this thing seems fun as hell. Haven't read any instructions just threw it on a drum track and soon enough - magic was happening. Thanks for sharing this w/ us - looking like a real gem for sure
Posted on January 09 2025 by FreddyFingaz |
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