Device Details


Name | Version: M4L Dub Siren 2.2
Author: egnouf
Device Type: Instrument
Description: M4L Dub Siren V2.2 aims to create nice old school dubby siren sounds.

It’s free & fully supported.


Key features

Change the pitch (tone) of the siren,
12 pre-defined presets & 12 users presets,
Save, export & import your own presests,
PULSE & SINE modulations (LFOs),
FIRE/FLAM function,
Gate to create syncopatic /stutter sound,
Follow midi inputs notes,
No delay, no reverb, pure Dub Siren sound.

Version 2.2/ You can map parameters to any external hardware midi controller AND control the dub siren trigger with your MOUSE or KEYBOARD (it was not the case before)

Version 2.1/ You can map parameters to any external hardware midi controller & bug in the presets has been fixed :-)

Version 2.0: initial version (almost)

-- Enjoy !!


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Jun 04 2024 13:54:48
Date Last Updated: Jun 05 2024 09:08:47
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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