Device Details
Name | Version: | Drum-o-Box APC40 Step Sequencer 1.01 |
Author: | Jaggfab |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This Max For Live patch is a step sequencer inspired by the sequencer part of some old school drum machines, but with some nice additions and usable with the Akai APC40 Ableton Live controller. Some interesting features : - Automatic toggle the APC40 from sequencer to session control modes. - Very intuitive interface allows you to select/play/hear instruments, mute/unmute instruments, select bar, set loop lenght, program beats and velocity, select/play patterns, and more, right from your APC40. - Patterns can be launched by MIDI (trigger mode, gate mode, sync to transport or free run) - Easy copy patterns to MIDI clips - Multiple configurable velocity states - Patterns can have loop lenghts up to 8 bars - Configurable MIDI output for each instrument/track - Patterns are saved with Live project Read full user guide here : Youtube demonstration video : Please follow me on Twitter for updates and support : |
Live Version Used: | 8.2.6 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.9 |
Date Added: | Oct 30 2011 20:50:43 |
Date Last Updated: | Nov 07 2011 04:07:20 |
Downloads: | 8544 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
Average Rating
(3) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | FBO Drum-o-Box.amxd |
is this useable with any other controllers ? looks pretty sick!
Posted on November 01 2011 by uxeexu |
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I've just received a Novation Launchpad, and starting some tests on it. At first glance, I should be able to adapt Drum-o-Box to be compatible with the Launchpad too.
Expect an update in some weeks... as soon as I'll have some time to do it ! :)
Expect an update in some weeks... as soon as I'll have some time to do it ! :)
Posted on November 01 2011 by Jaggfab |
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Wow....that would be amazing!! Thanks for your efforts... (i could help test.humbly) (i could help test.humbly)
Posted on November 01 2011 by uxeexu |
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I've received a lot of demands for a Launchpad version, and so I'm already on it.
But adapting Drum-o-Box to be compatible with Novation Launchpad seems to be a little bit more complex than I initially thought.
Pads adressing and observing is quite similar. However, I will have to change a few things, such as patterns launch pads , which are now located in the matrix, while with the APC40 they are on the stop clip buttons. This should be done easyly.
The real problem is to control the LEDs colors, wich is totally different as on the APC40. I'm studying a way to implement "drivers" for pads colors for both APC40 and Launchpad without reducing performance of the whole pacth. But if I see that it will take me too long, I'll simply publish a "Launchpad Edition" version of my patch.
Stay tuned !
But adapting Drum-o-Box to be compatible with Novation Launchpad seems to be a little bit more complex than I initially thought.
Pads adressing and observing is quite similar. However, I will have to change a few things, such as patterns launch pads , which are now located in the matrix, while with the APC40 they are on the stop clip buttons. This should be done easyly.
The real problem is to control the LEDs colors, wich is totally different as on the APC40. I'm studying a way to implement "drivers" for pads colors for both APC40 and Launchpad without reducing performance of the whole pacth. But if I see that it will take me too long, I'll simply publish a "Launchpad Edition" version of my patch.
Stay tuned !
Posted on November 05 2011 by Jaggfab |
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Amazing work with your sequencer, thank you so much for sharing it.
It is exactly what I have been hoping to find in order to be able to program beats while playing live directly on the APC!
I have a couple of suggestions for further development if you have plans for that:
- It would be the perfect drum sequencer if you add possibility to control swing amount in the sequencer.
- Also it would make it even more awesomely handy if the velocity toggle behavior could be changed / disabled, so that it would be possible to instantly remove a drum hit with one press..
These are just ideas - it's already a fantastic patch, thank you once again!
It is exactly what I have been hoping to find in order to be able to program beats while playing live directly on the APC!
I have a couple of suggestions for further development if you have plans for that:
- It would be the perfect drum sequencer if you add possibility to control swing amount in the sequencer.
- Also it would make it even more awesomely handy if the velocity toggle behavior could be changed / disabled, so that it would be possible to instantly remove a drum hit with one press..
These are just ideas - it's already a fantastic patch, thank you once again!
Posted on November 24 2011 by spandmand |
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Eagerly awaiting the Launchpad version...
Jaggfab, you might want to check out DrumLauncher 0.2
It's a little basic in comparison to Drum-o-Box, but i find it pretty spot on as a 16-step sequencer for the Launchpad.
Although it's confined to only four notes, I like how it still leaves user 1 mode free for other stuff.
Also: +1 for adding some swing to Drum-o-Box. That would make it perfect.
Jaggfab, you might want to check out DrumLauncher 0.2
It's a little basic in comparison to Drum-o-Box, but i find it pretty spot on as a 16-step sequencer for the Launchpad.
Although it's confined to only four notes, I like how it still leaves user 1 mode free for other stuff.
Also: +1 for adding some swing to Drum-o-Box. That would make it perfect.
Posted on November 24 2011 by coolout |
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Thank you all for your suggestions !
Swing would be a really cool feature. I'll study how to implement it asap. The "clock" of the Drum-o-Box is the "Transportator" subpatch. Maybe I could change how the patch read the patterns and add a random +/- time offset on note play... I've to check that.
Changing the toggle behavior of the pads should also be possible.
Still trying to find the time to implement Launchpad full support, but I will not forget all these excellent suggestions.
Swing would be a really cool feature. I'll study how to implement it asap. The "clock" of the Drum-o-Box is the "Transportator" subpatch. Maybe I could change how the patch read the patterns and add a random +/- time offset on note play... I've to check that.
Changing the toggle behavior of the pads should also be possible.
Still trying to find the time to implement Launchpad full support, but I will not forget all these excellent suggestions.
Posted on November 29 2011 by Jaggfab |
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Did this device stop working with live 9? I get lights on the APC40 which correspond to what I'm seeing in the sequencer (which stays consistent when I change values using the mouse) but pressing the buttons on the APC doesn't seem to register. Thoughts?
Did this device stop working with live 9? I get lights on the APC40 which correspond to what I'm seeing in the sequencer (which stays consistent when I change values using the mouse) but pressing the buttons on the APC doesn't seem to register. Thoughts?
Posted on March 10 2013 by BadTiming |
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having trouble getting this to work and cant find any support info for it. does it work with 64bit live 9? im noticing all the posts are from 2 years ago, which is a bad sign
Posted on November 05 2013 by piwrecks |
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Probably not, because 32-bit opens but does not work.
Posted on May 14 2014 by alric |
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would it be possible to update this to work with the new APC40 MKII?
Posted on August 28 2014 by me7a7r0n |
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Hi. Forgot about the APC 20 ...
Do not want to work. No feed-back
Do not want to work. No feed-back
Posted on November 23 2015 by Kostan |
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Trying to open this has caused Ableton to crash twice. Done with that.
Posted on December 16 2024 by paulguido |
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