Device Details


Name | Version: Swing8 for Monomodular .94
Author: amounra
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Swing8 is a simple plugin that sends swing amount to monomodular clients. It is a host plugin, and you can assign up to 8 clients to it. I made it so that you can put it wherever you like instead of having it nested in the Monomod host itself. It will autoconfigure to send to the first 8 clients inserted in your project, and it will save settings between sessions.

Its useful for placing somewhere in the set and assigning as a destination for a device controller, so you can have access to swing for all the devices at once.


Live Version Used: 8.1.5
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Sep 07 2010 02:25:46
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 493
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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Device File: swing8_b94.amxd


How can I use it on freshely recorded midi clips?

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